ni_si_ai: Possible Photos

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Images and videos created with AI technologies
Section 1: Old times writers in AI recreated portraits

see more about the project:
AI portraits of the most influential writers of all time
The emergence of new AI imaging technologies allows the recreation, with reasonable effort, of truthful, photographic quality images, starting from old drawings and engravings or from more or less veristic portraits.

Two decades ago, I created, for a book cover, a portrait of Voltaire, half photographic. The work was enormous. I was aware from the very beginning of that, but in the end the scheduled working time was exceeded by dozens of hours. Today, with AI support, in a few hours you can get several variants of such works: plausible portraits, on which the final interventions are reasonable. Moreover, AI allows for quick integration of the character into context, which I find extremely important. read more

see the project: 



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